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Teams will consist of a maximum of four players, all aged 13 and under. There will be a $100 entrance fee per team that must be paid in full by the registration date. 


Games will be 15 minutes long, with each team allowed one time out and responsible for their own substitutions. The final and semi-final games of each divison will be refereed and scorekept; however all other games played will be self-officiated. 


​Lunchtime Skills Competition

from 12-12:30 a skill competition will be held on the main court of the north gym, including ball handling, 3-point shooting and agility. prizes will be handed out 


All-Star Team 

a team of 4 players will be selected for each divison and will be recognized as tournament all-stars. prizes will be awarded 


MVP Selection

one player from each of the all-star teams will be selected as the overall MVP for the tournament. prizes will be awarded  

Tournament will be held on:

Saturday, December 6, 2014


and will run from:

8:00 am to 5:00 pm 

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